Building a Better Community: Working Together for a Better Chalkwell Lodge

At Chalkwell Lodge, we all share the same spaces and amenities, and by working together, we can make our estate a more pleasant place for everyone. Here are some ways we can contribute to maintaining a respectful, clean, and considerate community.

Parking Consideration: Let’s Be Thoughtful About Where We Park

Parking can be a challenge at Chalkwell Lodge, and it’s important to be mindful of how our actions affect others. Please avoid parking over other residents’ garages or in spaces that don’t belong to you. This small effort can prevent unnecessary inconvenience and stress for your neighbours.

If you need to unload shopping or other items, please keep your loading time as short as possible and move your car to its designated spot once you’ve finished. By being considerate, we can all enjoy smoother parking arrangements and less frustration.

Rubbish Chutes: Let’s Keep Them Clear and Functional

Our rubbish chutes are a convenient way to dispose of everyday waste, but they only work if we use them responsibly. Large items like old carpets or oversized rubbish can cause blockages, preventing other residents from using the chutes.

If you have large items to dispose of, please do not place them in the rubbish chute. Instead, consider arranging a collection with Veolia or disposing of them at a nearby recycling centre. Keeping the chutes clear ensures that they remain usable for everyone and helps maintain a cleaner, more efficient system.

Fly-Tipping: Costs Us All

Fly-tipping around the estate has been an ongoing issue, and it impacts us all—not just visually, but financially. Every time fly-tipped rubbish is removed, the cost is added to our service charge. This means we are all paying for something that could easily be avoided.

If you need to dispose of bulky items, Veolia offers affordable collection services, which you can easily arrange by visiting their website: Veolia Collection Services. Let’s save money and keep our estate looking its best by avoiding fly-tipping altogether.

A Shared Responsibility for a Better Chalkwell Lodge

Let’s remember that we all play a role in making Chalkwell Lodge a great place to live. By parking considerately, using the rubbish chutes responsibly, and avoiding fly-tipping, we can reduce costs, maintain cleanliness, and create a more harmonious community for everyone.

Together, we can ensure that our shared spaces remain enjoyable for all residents. Thank you for your cooperation!

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